Why did he have to return?

Seems like the world would have been better without him: My take on Superman Returns.
Superman Returns is a great example of trailer hype. All the best scenes in the movie are edited into the trailer. If you expect more from the movie – please forget it. The marketing angle for the original Superman in 1978 was ‘Have you seen a man fly?’ Today, even a bum like James Bond flies.
So, a Superman movie has to have more relevance than this. Brandon Routh as Superman just doesn't add up… and you cannot but compare him to Christopher Reeve, the real Superman. Somehow, this new chap does not fit. And as Clark Kent, he tried too hard to be like Reeve. I have a feeling that Singer used an overdub of Reeve somewhere.
Many scenes in the movie are reminiscent of the 1978 classic – the landing site, the crystal home of Kal-el, the rooftop encounter between Lois and Superman… But the overall disappointment was for something else. Here is the strongest guy on the planet – and his arch enemy is a mere mortal. With no greater aim than making money. Is this a plot?
And why can’t writers think beyond kryptonite? And to picture him in hospital?
Even Batman’s enemies had bigger and stronger reasons to turn bad. Well, Batman Begins has given Batman that edge over Superman Returns. Will either of these guys beat our good ol’ lover-boy Spidey? I doubt it. Don’t believe me?
BTW, I was wrong in an earlier post about Mr. Kal Penn. This guy has made his big league debut in this movie. But you won’t hear him talk… I think he has no dialogue.
it seems the opening was alos weak- how wrong was i!! i was just discussing with SS today @ the airport how this could rival spidey for #1 and is gonna have a huge 10 days- wed- sunday 9 july- given this year july 4th is a 4 day weekend since it falls on a tuesday
Yeah, the movie was a disappointment. It was trying too hard to play catch-up to the 1978 original. I guess this should have stood it's own ground.
My take about Superman needing better villians is different from Arun's, but Lex Luthor could do better if he had suave side-kicks, instead of morons and bimbos. All said and done this is the 21st century... some things need to change.
Donner's version will continue to remain the classic one. Proves that $240 million is not enough to give life to a movie. You need some heart.
PS: Yeah, the Spidey 3 trailer rocks...
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