The Past 6 weeks...
Have I ever been this busy?? I think not. And to think that I chose a field/career that was less of a hassle as compared to.... say the ones chosen by the esteemed stalwarts - investment banking and Consulting etc. I have been putting around 10-12 hours a day a work - and my weekends are also going into this 'rocket-science' called media.
Crap. Thats all I can say.
There 'ill be some changes made... i swear. As for now, Its the the third day of the CNY break - and there is one more day to go. So, shall savor whatever is left of it.
A few stories that caught my attention recently... the man who could be America's first African-American President announces his candidacy for THE job. And the first attack comes from down under.
What PM Howard was thinking... or better... what was he on when he expressed his opinion that Iraqi terrorists should pray that Obama wins...
He sends a maximum of 1000 Aussie soldiers to Iraq - soldiers who do off-combat stuff... and then talks about his commitment to the war on terror in Iraq. Am sure the U.S could do with some good ol' Aussie thug-power in Iraq.
Shetty on Big Brother - we are really in the age of mediocrity. Rather - we are in the age of utter nonsense.
The Grammys: They have a way of saying 'We are sorry' or 'We are cool' or 'We too'.
We are Sorry: Dixie Chicks (Special thanks to George W Bush for being from Texas and doing the shit he does)
We are Cool: When Norah Jones got a few a couple of years ago
We too: Whats the bet that an Idol will be next year's Hot new artist. Although Carrie Underwood is by far the most talented Idol till date.
Speaking of Idol - I noticed it was back on air while I was in the gym a few weeks ago. I caught the repeats while cooking dinner - this is the first time I am actually watching American Idol - so am sort-of enjoying it.
Saw a promo on air recently that said Muse was (according to experts) the greatest LIVE band in the world. Experts?? Who are the experts today. Every one comes up with a stupid blog like this - reviews something - and the next thing you know, becomes an expert. And Muse??
Rocky Balboa: A complete surprise. I think it was a fitting end to a beautiful under-dog story. I liked the idea that redemption is for all. The closing credits were simply superb.
The Matador: This is a cult classic people. Watch it. Caught this on TV , thanks to Fred's insistence.
Dreamgirls: A fantastic musical. Dreams, Ambition, Greed, Talent, deceit,hope, vindication, faith and groove... all the ingredients that make the music business. Although I wished at times that Jennifer Hudson would just shut up. Her solos were too long and too loud. That, to me, was the only negative point in the musical.

Flags of Our Fathers & Letters from Iwo Jima:
I watched FOUF in Sydney. I didn't think much of the film at first because I thought it was going to be a war movie - as in with a lot of war-front shots... and the movie turned out to be a bummer in that department. But then again, that was not the intention of Clint Eastwood. He was adapting the story from the book that talked about how the powers that be in the United States exploited a situation to sell more bonds so that they could continue the war. The story of these men who supposedly raised the flag at Iwo Jima - their insecurities and discomfort in being labeled heroes... a fantastic story in hindsight. 'Pictures can either win or lose wars for a country'. It won WWII for America. But the same medium (coupled with TV) resulted in the opposite result in Vietnam.
Iwo Jima - Inspired at Nation

Vietnam Napalm Child - Disgusted the World
Back to the movies, .... Letters from Iwo Jima is different.
This was written from scratch. And is truly a great war movie. It is not the opposing view (Japanese point of view) of Flags f our fathers - but the battle at Iwo Jima itself. Ken Watanabe is powerful in the role of General Kuribayashi. It is nice to watch a movie of WWII with a different perspective, not that of the Americans. And stepping into such a zone, Clint Eastwood has done a fantastic job. You can't help but feel for these soldiers.
On the personal front - a lots gonna be happening soon. The house turns into a home on 28th Feb!!
And I'll be wearing a ring on THE finger on 10th March.
Life outside work has been good. I've been enjoying gym of late - my music is with me - and its set up pretty well (A sight for sore eyes - as someone says)... The Cambridge Audio-Denon-Jamo combo seems to be working quite well.
Crap. Thats all I can say.
There 'ill be some changes made... i swear. As for now, Its the the third day of the CNY break - and there is one more day to go. So, shall savor whatever is left of it.
A few stories that caught my attention recently... the man who could be America's first African-American President announces his candidacy for THE job. And the first attack comes from down under.

He sends a maximum of 1000 Aussie soldiers to Iraq - soldiers who do off-combat stuff... and then talks about his commitment to the war on terror in Iraq. Am sure the U.S could do with some good ol' Aussie thug-power in Iraq.
Shetty on Big Brother - we are really in the age of mediocrity. Rather - we are in the age of utter nonsense.
The Grammys: They have a way of saying 'We are sorry' or 'We are cool' or 'We too'.
We are Sorry: Dixie Chicks (Special thanks to George W Bush for being from Texas and doing the shit he does)
We are Cool: When Norah Jones got a few a couple of years ago
We too: Whats the bet that an Idol will be next year's Hot new artist. Although Carrie Underwood is by far the most talented Idol till date.
Speaking of Idol - I noticed it was back on air while I was in the gym a few weeks ago. I caught the repeats while cooking dinner - this is the first time I am actually watching American Idol - so am sort-of enjoying it.
Saw a promo on air recently that said Muse was (according to experts) the greatest LIVE band in the world. Experts?? Who are the experts today. Every one comes up with a stupid blog like this - reviews something - and the next thing you know, becomes an expert. And Muse??
Rocky Balboa: A complete surprise. I think it was a fitting end to a beautiful under-dog story. I liked the idea that redemption is for all. The closing credits were simply superb.
The Matador: This is a cult classic people. Watch it. Caught this on TV , thanks to Fred's insistence.
Dreamgirls: A fantastic musical. Dreams, Ambition, Greed, Talent, deceit,hope, vindication, faith and groove... all the ingredients that make the music business. Although I wished at times that Jennifer Hudson would just shut up. Her solos were too long and too loud. That, to me, was the only negative point in the musical.

Flags of Our Fathers & Letters from Iwo Jima:
I watched FOUF in Sydney. I didn't think much of the film at first because I thought it was going to be a war movie - as in with a lot of war-front shots... and the movie turned out to be a bummer in that department. But then again, that was not the intention of Clint Eastwood. He was adapting the story from the book that talked about how the powers that be in the United States exploited a situation to sell more bonds so that they could continue the war. The story of these men who supposedly raised the flag at Iwo Jima - their insecurities and discomfort in being labeled heroes... a fantastic story in hindsight. 'Pictures can either win or lose wars for a country'. It won WWII for America. But the same medium (coupled with TV) resulted in the opposite result in Vietnam.
Iwo Jima - Inspired at Nation

Back to the movies, .... Letters from Iwo Jima is different.

On the personal front - a lots gonna be happening soon. The house turns into a home on 28th Feb!!
And I'll be wearing a ring on THE finger on 10th March.
Life outside work has been good. I've been enjoying gym of late - my music is with me - and its set up pretty well (A sight for sore eyes - as someone says)... The Cambridge Audio-Denon-Jamo combo seems to be working quite well.
kelly clarkson is also a talented idol.
Yes she is. And the Grammys so that too.
A bit unrelated from the post, but i couldnt help noticing the Denon-Jamo combo thingie, and therefore the question !
I am also building up a hi-fi system, primarily focussing on music. I am planning to go for a Denon AVR 1507 (7.1 channel 75 watts @ 8 ohms) along with Jamo E570 (3 way with 8″ woofers; 100/170 W @ 4 ohms) floor standing speakers.
Can you let me know what do u think of it ?
Actually I read Flyboys before I read Flags of our Fathers ...both by James Bradley. Flyboys is a much superior novel to FOUF, in fact its a really good read and no I didn't think highly of FOUF. I think you'd enjoy Flyboys - the book and if they ever make it into a movie it should really be good.
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