The Thumbs up:
Blades of Glory
Watched this comedy with Renu and Sukesh on Friday night. It is a laugh riot. The story and the concept was simple (stupid actually)... and the sequences were predictable. But the one-liners and expressions were super. Must watch on nothing-else-to-do days. The moment: the boob-handshake.

Bridge to Terabithia
Took a day off from work to clear my head. After all, its my last week at work and I had 4 days carried over from last year that I had to use anyway. Spent the day shopping for a few accessories for & with Renu. Was nice. Topped the day off with this movie. A coming-of-age classic. I kept remembering how my brother and I would create imaginary world's with our toys and really amuse ourselves. As we got older, the imagination just died.
The Middler: Metro. I thought this was a good movie - minus the trio of weird rockers who kept showing up each time something dramatic happened. I just couldn't stand that aspect of the movie. Otherwise, it was a good one all round. Irfan Khan gets into my Top 5 actors list.
Now for the real embarrassment of the week:
This is how the whole thing unfolded - Sukesh comes home. He and Renu decide they want to watch a horror movie. I am ill-advised by Akshay that 28 Weeks Later is a classic scary movie. So, instead of watching this sequel, I head off to the DVD rental store and pick up 28 Days Later.

After a sumptuous fried chicken dinner (AFC - not KFC), we take our positions and switch the lights off. 25 minutes into the movie, we were looking at each otrher wondering what the fuck was the movie about. It was bizarre, not even remotely scary. I was trying hard to be thrilled and hoping that something would happen... right up till the last minute. I
fondly remembered another friend - Nydia - who told me something superlative about another movie - only for me to get so mind-fucked about it that I almost stopped speaking to her.
Now the real downer - before we watched the ill-fated 28 Days Later, we booked the tickets to the sequel (online).
Being one's who value Uppa's as well as our caash, we had to go for this. You know, for good ol' hard-earned money's sake.
28 Weeks Later was slightly better than the prequel - the saving grace was that we actually watched the prequel, so we knew why the fuck these bloody-eyed zombies were running around necking each other in the first place!!
Please avoid both these shit-packs. They are not worth a wart.
An interview happened. So, hopefully there's good news this week.