Forcing A Hand

Today, I am forced to write something.
I am a huge admirer of Barack Obama. I have not written a lot about that before... but have mage a few references to him in the past... like here. What happened today was greater than every achievement of America and every contribution she made to popular culture. I saw America through the words and music of Bruce Springsteen... and Obama has the same vibe about him.
A momentous day in our lives... if you are like me. Someone who thinks America is not a country but an Idea. That idea got a bit bruised along the way - especially the past 7 years... but boy what a resounding response this has been. To think that 40 years ago, blacks could not sit in the same buses as whites... and had their every civil right violated upon.
Truly a great day.
And only in America.
I really don't have much time to blog these days... as work gets me most of the time.... and my desire to spend as much time with my little boy takes the rest.
To all who used to keep track... our darling Kabir was born on Sep 18 at Breach Candy Hospital. At 3.3 Kgs, he was as healthy as could be. On Oct 23, he started to smile too.